The Senegal country of teranga (hospitality)

At 5 h 30 of flight far from France,Senegal comes as being the door of Africa. It is located in the West of the Africa. Bathing in the Atlantic ocean on the West, Mauritania in the north, both Guineas in the south and Mali in the East, the country is cut in two in its south half by , Gambia. Senegal covers an area of 197.192 km2 (that is 1 third of France) among which 700 km of beach of fine sand. For a population of 10M ,Senegal has two major languages,wolof and the French.
A little history
Senegal was discovered in 1444 by a Portuguese navigator (Dinis Dias) the first Portuguese stop on senegal date from 1536 (exportation of the slaves) towards the Caribbean and America. Then it was around English, French and Dutch. After 5 centuries of foreign domination in most cases France, the country becomes independent in 1960 instituting a democratique republic.
Climate, Ethnic groups, Fauna and flora
This country unites in harmony a mosaic of climates, ethnic groups and also landscapes. From November till June, a variable nice climate of 17 in 30°C. From July till September, it is the rainy season characterized by a variable humid tropical climate of 30 in 40°C.
With ten million populations the Senegal counts more than 30 Ethnic groups (Wolofs, Sérères, Toucouleurs, Peuls, Diolas, Mandingues, Bassaris, etc). Three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Animism.
Senegal is located in Sahelian zone where we can find 350 - 400 specious of wild animals in Niokolo reserve in the southeast of the country and in Djoudj (Million birds there) in the north and in Sine Saloum (250.000 hectares earth and water).
Senegal live a complete change of scenery with its nice sites: the pink lake, the island of Gorée, the typical villages, the nice beaches.
Several reasons to come to Senegal
- 5h 30 flight
- 3600 hours of sunshine (9 spring months ) 700 km of fine sandy beach
- Mastering the French language
- The Seaside - Discover Hunting - Culture